Operator / person responsible for the content ETHERMA Elektrowärme GmbH

Managing Director: Thomas Reiter

ETHERMA Elektrowärme GmbH
Landesstraße 16
A-5302 Henndorf am Wallersee
Tel.: +43 (0) 6214 | 7677
Mail: office(kwfat)etherma(kwfdot)com

ETHERMA Deutschland GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Ring 15
D-85737 Ismaning
Tel.: +49 (0) 2562 | 819700

Registry court Austria

Company headquarter: Henndorf
Company registration number: FN: 325326x
VAT ID No.: ATU64965559
Jurisdiction: Neumarkt am Wallersee

Managing Director: Thomas Reiter  

- Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
- BH Salzburg surroundings
- Trade Regulation Act GewO


Registry court Germany

Company headquarter: Ismaning
Munich Commercial Register: HRB 293063
UID.: DE194168106

Chief Executive Officer: Christian Raschka


Reference to names, trademarks, etc.:

All trademarks referred to on this website that may be protected by third party copyrights are subject in full to the provisions of the applicable copyright law and the rights of the registered owner.
Reference to a trademark should not be taken to mean that the brand or trademark is not protected by third party copyright.


Exclusion of joint responsibility:

The Hamburg County Court in its judgement dated 12 May 1998 has determined that the operator of a website who provides links shall, where necessary, be responsible for the content of the site being linked to. According to the County Court, this may only be prevented in instances where the Webmaster/homepage owner expressly distances himself from said contents.

We have placed links to other Internet sites on the different pages of this website. The following shall apply to all of these links:

We wish to expressly indicate that we have no influence over the design and content of the linked pages. For this reason, we expressly dissociate ourselves from all of the content of the links on our website. We do not endorse the content of these sites. This statement applies to all the links on our website as well as the content of sites to which the banners or links provided on our site refer.

Legal notice

The accuracy of the information contained on this website cannot be guaranteed, although every care has been taken in preparation. Statements regarding fittings and features thereof are non-binding. The features of the fittings described on this website shall not be considered to be agreed-upon qualities of our products. Individual features may be altered or even eliminated over time due to continuous further development. Please ask our technical advisers about the current features of fittings. The pictorial representations on this website are only sample applications. The illustrations also contain installation components, accessories and special equipment which are not included in the standard scope of delivery.

Whistleblower System / Integrity Line ETHERMA

If you notice specific indications of legal violations or breaches of rules in connection with ETHERMA, you can contact the Viessmann Integrity Line at any time and use our other reporting channels (by telephone, e-mail, letter, etc.) for this purpose.

Use of images

ETHERMA Elektrowärme GmbH holds the copyright for the majority of the image material used. Any further use of the image material must be approved in writing by ETHERMA Elektrowärme GmbH.

Selected images were purchased from and