INFRARED WARMTH The right solution for each application.

WHY INFRARED HEATING as a heating system?

Infrared heaters are the sustainable and electric alternative to heating systems based on fossil fuels or biomass. An important difference between infrared radiation and other heat sources is that infrared does not heat the air (convection) but matter or solid substances. People, building walls and furniture thus absorb heat from the infrared radiation and emit it again evenly. This creates more comfort for the people in the room despite the lower room temperature, since the heat comes from all directions and not through circulating warm air. This also makes it particularly suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as it works without raising dust.

Infrared heaters are extremely durable (like all electrical installations), absolutely maintenance-free, without heat loss and the installation is done in a few simple steps. Enough reasons to become more sustainable with infrared heaters. 

  • Sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and biomass

  • Energy saving of 10-20%

  • Clean and healthy air through radiant heat

  • No maintenance or service required

IT'S ALL ABOUT WaveLENGTH. The different infrared radiations

The word "infrared" (infra, lat. = beyond) makes it quite clear that we are referring to a range of electromagnetic radiation which lies beyond the red end of the visible light spectrum and is therefore free from UV radiation.

ETHERMA creates visionary technical devices to make optimum use of the highly efficient infrared radiation as a source of heat. This is why we have the right ingenious warmth solution for every wave range.

The individual infrared ranges differ in terms of the length of their waves.

IR-C long-wave infrared: LAVA® infrared heating

IR-B medium-wave infrared: industry infrared heaters

IR-A short-wave infrared: infrared heaters

In general, a distinction is made between short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave infrared radiation. In order to be able to use the technology and the different wavelengths optimally, ETHERMA has developed a sophisticated heating solution for each wave range. For this purpose, radiant heaters - short-wave radiators - are used outdoors, which generate heat that can be felt immediately, while medium- and long-wave infrared radiation is used indoors. ETHERMA uses the advantages of highly efficient infrared technology so that the right heating solution is available for every situation. 

Short infrared radiation (IR-A) from infrared heaters is caused by high temperatures at the heating tube. It can therefore penetrate the air extremely efficiently, is hardly affected by drafts and immediately triggers a feeling of warmth when it hits the skin. The short heat waves penetrate deep into the skin. They are therefore perfect for outdoor use. Since their wavelength is close to the spectrum of visible light, they usually glow slightly reddish or orange. 

Medium-wave infrared heaters (IR-B), on the other hand, do not produce any light and are therefore also known as dark infrared heater. They are used wherever there is an increased need for heat in closed rooms. 

The longer the infrared radiation waves are, the less they penetrate the skin, as they can be generated at lower temperatures on the device. Our LAVA® infrared heating panels, which emit long-wave IR-C radiation, are therefore designed to fix living spaces. The radiant heat is emitted directly via the evenly heated surface of the panels. 

Infrared heat has also been used in the health sector for many years, such as in infrared cabins or red light treatments.

SAVE money WITH infrared heating panels

Compared to other heat generators, infrared heaters have a high final energy efficiency. Because they generate the required heat directly in the installation room. Heat losses that occur with water-based heating systems through the transport of the heated heating water from the boiler, through the pipework to the radiators, are eliminated when using infrared heating. Radiant heaters ensure a permanent reduction in heating costs through this better utilization of thermal energy.

Due to the direct thermal radiation of an infrared heater, residents perceive the room temperature to be two to three degrees warmer than it actually is. As a result, infrared heaters require less heat output compared to other heat generators and at the same time get by with shorter operating times. In addition to saving fuel, the consumer also has the opportunity to heat more sustainably and consciously. Because a one degree lower room temperature means reduced energy consumption of around six percent and thus lowers heating costs.

After all, about 40% of the CO2 emissions in Europe still come from heating systems. Investing in sustainable, efficient and modern heating not only brings many benefits to the user, but also actively contributes to a better future for our children and grandchildren.

the ideal replacement for night storage heaters ETHERMA infrared heating

More than 500,000 outdated night storage heaters still supply German households with heat. Due to the outdated technology of these heaters, homeowners and real estate owners consume more electricity than with modern heating systems, despite reduced night-time electricity tariffs - these are unnecessarily high heating costs.



  • High kWh performance of the devices

  • Poor controllability

  • Very old equipment containing asbestos

  • Expensive disposal

  • Strong dust turbulence (convection heating)

Replacing the heating system with a modern and efficient infrared heating system not only results in potential savings in terms of electricity costs, but also an enormous gain in comfort for the residents. Because high-quality infrared heating panels are not only energy-saving and environmentally friendly thanks to green electricity, but also particularly efficient thanks to the innovative technology. And thanks to the different control options, the infrared heaters can be easily controlled and the desired room temperature can be set - it is heated when you want it.

THE RIGHT PLANNING Get yourself an advantage!

It is also important that the infrared heater is properly planned and dimensioned. For this we always advise you to a professional advice, because it is crucial:

  • the optimal power (watts) of the infrared heaters

  • the exact positioning of the infrared panels

  • the number of required devices

  • a heating load calculation for each room

Otherwise it can be expensive quickly. This applies to under-dimensioning as well as over-dimensioning. We at ETHERMA therefore always consider the individual case exactly. Contact us now and we will advise you!


The placement of the heating panels in the room is also crucial for the radiant heaters to have the desired effect. These rules of thumb give you an initial overview of what you should pay attention to during assembly:

  • Installation height of the radiators approx. 120 cm from the lower edge

  • Do not place across from large windows

  • Do not cover the infrared panel for efficient heat radiation into the room

  • The more solid objects such as walls, furniture, etc. are illuminated, the better the radiation effect

  • Equip long rooms with two lower power heating panels instead of one large unit

We at ETHERMA therefore always consider each individual case individually. Contact us now and we will be happy to advise you!


Infrared heaters - like electric heaters in general - can be perfectly combined with a photovoltaic system on the roof. The electricity required does not come from the socket, since solar cells supply the infrared heating with energy. Because of the electricity they produce themselves, builders are independent of the public electricity supplier and any increases in electricity prices. They operate their infrared heating systems with their own green electricity, which is produced almost free of charge, and with every self-generated kilowatt hour, the heating costs also drop.

In Germany, new buildings are subject to the Building Energy Act (GEG) for building heating. It indicates how high the share of renewable energies in heat generation has to be. The combination of a PV system and infrared heating is ideal here in particular. Because in well-insulated properties such as passive or energy-efficient houses, infrared heaters are used efficiently as central main heating or full heating.

Well insulated buildings When does an infrared heater make sense?

An infrared heater can not be recommended for every household, as they are powered by electricity and can therefore be a costly way of heating if they are not planned correctly. This often applies in old buildings, which have a high heat requirement per m² and do not have the necessary insulation of walls and windows. However, if the premises are adequately insulated and the heating demand in the area of a passive or low-energy house (or better), the use of infrared heating is efficient and economical. Especially since there are no maintenance and service costs or fuel is needed.

This shows that the structural requirements are an essential factor for the question of the costs of infrared heaters:

  • Insulation of the building and insulation of the windows

  • Number of external walls in the room to be heated

  • Room size

  • Desired room temperature

Renovation made easy!

While modern gas heaters or heat pumps require appropriate piping to transport the heating water, infrared heaters only require access to the outlet. Especially in older buildings that were supplied with heat in the past without water heating, heating pipes and heating circuit manifolds are not available and would have to be laid first. This structural effort is eliminated in an infrared heater, so that a heating modernization is done quickly, inexpensively and without dirt.

Compared to an infrared heater, water-based heating systems react more slowly to changing temperatures, since the heating medium (water) must first be heated before it can release its absorbed heat to the room. This process is eliminated with radiant heating.

Contact now Daniel Munter
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